Grid Fixture compares a two-dimensional array of objects to its table of expected values. The values are compared positionally; there is no header row with member names.
Matching cells are marked.
setup sample grid |
0 | 1 | 2 |
a | b | c |
d | e | f |
when test is⇓
story test fixture |
check | test result |
| then result is |
Mismatched cells are reported.
when test is⇓
story test fixture |
check | test result |
sample grid |
a | b | x expected c actual At 0 expected x was c |
d | d expected e actual At 0 expected d was e | f |
| then result is |
sample grid |
a | b | x expected c actual At 0 expected x was c |
d | d expected e actual At 0 expected d was e | f |
Missing and surplus rows are reported.
when test is⇓
story test fixture |
check | test result |
sample grid |
x missing | y | z |
d | e | f |
a surplus |
b |
c | |
| then result is |
sample grid |
x missing | y | z |
d | e | f |
a surplus |
b |
c | |
An empty grid is matched.
when test is⇓
story test fixture |
check | test result |
| then result is |
Duplicate rows are handled.
setup sample grid |
0 | 1 | 2 |
a | b | c |
d | d | e |
d | d | e |
when test is⇓
story test fixture |
check | test result |
| then result is |