Plain Text Format
fitSharp can process tests written in a plain text format. You may find this simpler to edit and manage than the standard HTML format, depending on your team environment, skills and culture.

We can include plain text format tests on test pages with other information in any format: additional plain text, wiki markup or HTML. The sections of the test page containing our plain text tests begin with "test@" and end with "@test". If the second delimiter is not present, the plain text test continues to the end of the page.

The test is organized into tables, the same as traditional HTML table tests. Each table row is written as one line of text. The table cells are separated by white space. If a cell contains embedded white space, we can wrap the cell content in quotes. The tables are separated by blank lines. Here's a simple test:

with new person Bob Marley

check 'first name' Bob
check 'last name' Marley 

This is the result when we run it:

with new person Bob Marley

check first name Bob
check last name Marley

The columns in plain text tables are not aligned like traditional HTML tables. If we want the columns aligned, we prefix the table with a vertical bar "|":

with new 'sample class two'

input 'method with parms?'
x samplex
y sampley

This is the result when we run it:

with new sample class two

input method with parms?
x samplex
y sampley

To make a nested table, we put "[" at the end of the preceding line and "]" at the beginning of the following line:

with new 'system under test'

|check 'a list of point' [
x y
0 0
5 5

Here's the result when we run it:

with new system under test

check a list of point
x y
0 0
5 5


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