Story Test Execution
In the standard mode of story test execution, each fixture processes a single table, with the fixture name in the first cell of the table.

Do Fixture and Sequence Fixture (and any fixture derived from Flow Fixture Base) can also operate in Flow Mode, processing all the tables on the story test page without repeating the fixture name in each table. These fixtures are known as flow fixtures. When a flow fixture appears in the first cell of the first table, it operates in Flow Mode.

If a flow fixture appears after the first table, it operates in standard mode.


A fixture can "hide" itself, so that a subsequent flow fixture will appear to be in the first table, and thus operate in Flow Mode. Import Fixture and Fit Version Fixture are examples of hidden fixtures. The hidden fixture overrides the IsVisible property:
public class MyHiddenFixture: Fixture {
    public override bool IsVisible { get { return false; } }


A flow fixture can use a different rule to determine when to operate in Flow Mode, by overriding the IsInFlow metohd:
public class MyGreedyFixture: FlowFixtureBase {
    public override bool IsInFlow(int tableCount) { return true; }


In the tables above, the fixture class name appears in the first cell. If this cell contains a class name that doesn't inherit from Fixture, then a Do Fixture is created with the class as its System Under Test.
is a shorthand for
If the first cell isn't a class name at all, a Do Fixture is still created. In this case, the first cell will have to be one of the Flow Fixture Keywords or a procedure from a Define Fixture in a Suite Set Up page.

first cell in first table is class name, creates class instance, following rows in first table and all rows in rest of tables can execute methods on the instance and check results

when input is
story test fixture
checkplain test'simple sample'
check count 0

check count 1
simple sample
check count 0

check count 1
'simple sample'
check count 0

check count 1
then output is
simple sample
check count 0

check count 1

if the constructor has parameters

when input is
story test fixture
checkplain testwith new 'simple sample' 42

check count 43
with new simple sample 42

check count 43
with new 'simple sample' 42

check count 43
then output is
with new simple sample 42

check count 43

fixture name first in any row,, processes rest of table

when input is
story test fixture
checkplain test'simple sample'
check count 0
'sample fixture'
some good stuff


'sample fixture'
other good stuff

check count 1
simple sample
check count 0
sample fixture
some good stuff


sample fixture
other good stuff

check count 1
'simple sample'
check count 0
'sample fixture'
some good stuff


'sample fixture'
other good stuff

check count 1
then output is
simple sample
check count 0
sample fixture
some good stuff


sample fixture
other good stuff

check count 1

class but not a fixture, processes rest of table (this is a bit odd?)

when input is
story test fixture
checkplain test'simple sample'
'sample class'
check count 0

check count 1
simple sample
sample class
check count 0

check count 1
'simple sample'
'sample class'
check count 0

check count 1
then output is
simple sample
sample class
check count 0

check count 1

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