Find Member Pattern Operator
The Find Member Pattern operator is one of the optional Cell Operators. It looks for members with a MemberPattern attribute containing a regular expression that matches the contents of a member cell.

With this class:
public class SampleClass {
  [MemberPattern("do (.*) with (.*)")]
  public void DoStuff(string what, string withWhom) {
    Field = "I did " + what + " with " + withWhom;
  public string Field;

when input is
story test fixture
checkplain testconfigure processor 'add operator' findmemberpattern

with new fitSharp.Test.Double.SampleClass
'do math with sally'
check field 'I did math with sally'
configure processor add operator findmemberpattern

with new fitSharp.Test.Double.SampleClass
do math with sally
check field I did math with sally
configure processor 'add operator' findmemberpattern

with new fitSharp.Test.Double.SampleClass
'do math with sally'
check field 'I did math with sally'
then output is
configure processor add operator findmemberpattern

with new fitSharp.Test.Double.SampleClass
do math with sally
check field I did math with sally

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