This is a description of how test pages processed by
Folder Runner are decorated with set up and tear down information prior to the execution of their FIT tests.
Set-up decoration is inserted at the beginning and tear-down decoration is inserted at the end of the test page.
with | new | test page decoration | prefix- | -suffix |
check | decorate | a test page | prefix-a test page-suffix |
If the test page contains a <body> element, the decoration is inserted inside the body of the test page.
check | decorate | a <body>test</body> page | a <body>prefix-test-suffix</body> page |
If the set-up or tear-down contains a <body> element, the contents of the body is used as the decoration.
with | new | test page decoration | a <body>prefix-</body> more | a <body>-suffix</body> more |
check | decorate | a test page | prefix-a test page-suffix |
If the set-up or tear-down contains a <head> element, the contents of the head is inserted at the beginning of the test page.
with | new | test page decoration | a <head>head-</head>prefix- | a <head>-more</head> and <body>-suffix</body> more |
check | decorate | a <body>test</body> page | head--morea <body>prefix-test-suffix</body> page |
If the test page contains a <head> element, the head decorations are inserted inside the head of the test page.
check | decorate | a <head>of</head>and<body>test</body> page | a <head>head-of-more</head>and<body>prefix-test-suffix</body> page |
A child page decoration has its set-up decoration prefixed with its parent's and its tear-down decoration suffixed with its parent's.
with | new | test page decoration | <head>head1-</head>prefix1- | <head>-more1</head>-suffix1 |
with | make child | <head>head2-</head>prefix2- | | <head>-more2</head>-suffix2 |
check | decorate | <head>a head</head><body>test body</body> | <head>head1-head2-a head-more2-more1</head><body>prefix1-prefix2-test body-suffix2-suffix1</body> |